Ultra dynamique, le nouveau fabricant de bicyclettes NeilPryde, plus connu dans le monde du surf, lance un concours de design sur son modèle Diablo.
Au menu, proposer un look hors du commun qui marquera les esprits. Continuer la lecture
Ultra dynamique, le nouveau fabricant de bicyclettes NeilPryde, plus connu dans le monde du surf, lance un concours de design sur son modèle Diablo.
Au menu, proposer un look hors du commun qui marquera les esprits. Continuer la lecture
We paid them a visit three years ago (The secret of Lightweight wheels). Carbon-Sports, subsidiary of Carbo-Fibre Tec, has knows an outstanding success. Originally, the exclusive and exceptionnal Lightweight wheels were made, in the ninetees, by Heinz Obermayer and Dierl Rudolf in a rustic workshop. Continuer la lecture
Nous leurs avions rendu visite il y a 3 ans (The secret of Lightweight wheels). Carbon-Sports, filiale de Carbo-Fibre Tec, a connu une progression fulgurante sur les derniers mois.
A l’origine, dans les années 90, les roues Lightweight, produit exclusif et exceptionnel que les pros et passionnés s’arrachaient, étaient fabriquées par Heinz Obermayer et Dierl Rudolf, dans un atelier rustique. Continuer la lecture
Close to the dark forest, the industrial zone of Buggingen concentrates cutting edge companies. Tune built its factory here about 15 years ago after a few years of activity at the owner’s home. Continuer la lecture
La zone industrielle de Buggingen, au pied de la forêt noire, concentre des entreprises à la pointe de la technologie. Tune y a érigé ses locaux voici plus de 15 ans, après quelques années passées au domicile du gérant. Continuer la lecture
This year, our journey at Friedrischafen for the Eurobike earl in September has been unforgettable. Close to the Constance lake where the three countries Germany Austria and Switzerland meet. The Messe is just 72.000 square meters of exhibition, which was really big. It has been a dream for us to be there as journalists to report the news. It was a dream come true and we simply didn’t think we could see so many amazing things there. Not only had we the chance to see this exhibition but also the chance to mix with Carbon-Sports‘ fantastic guys who let us in on the secret of Lightweight wheels! Continuer la lecture